Custom Telematics Solutions:
Different assets require different data tracking, customization of parameter as per need and associated hardware modifications or new product development.
Case Study: EV motors are different from ICE Engines. The customer wanted to monitor every error, temperature at different points, study the hall sensor behaviour for any possible abnormality. We developed a Custom Motor Telematics Hardware for acquiring all data by integrating through onboard and offboard sensors and also developed unique algorithms to indicate motor behaviour and stress.
Contact us: [email protected]
CAN Stack & DBC Reverse Engineering
Communication Stack for Automotive and Industrial applications differentiates a system from its peers. It needs hours of research into benchmarking, testing and validation. We can help develop an efficient CAN stack for your new products, retrofitting needs and assembly line setups.
Case Study: Customer planned to launch a unique form of micro-mobility platform. It needed interaction with Telematics, User Inputs, Onboard Motor, BMS and an obstacle avoidance system. We developed a robust CAN stack for their overall system integrating all components for optimal performance and accuracy.
Contact us: [email protected]

Motor Controllers ( BLDC & PMSM)
Industrial and Automotive usecases require different motor configurations to meet a specific work efficiently and precisely. BLDC and PMSM motors find applications in both Traction and non Traction application due their precise control and capabilities. We Deliver custom Motor Controller Requirements.
Case Study: Customer needed a precise motor controller to operate an industrial motor through LIN and PWM protocol. Further it had to push a very viscous liquid at a consistent and controllable flow rate. We developed a custom motor controller for this application.
Contact us: [email protected]